Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics


With the latest census figures now released and reactions starting to trickle out, the BBC, which prides itself on its imagined impartiality and outdated notions of its credibility, has gone into damage limitation mode.

Under its Reality Check tag, formerly Fact Check, the name presumably changed due to the absence of facts, Auntie has resorted to an attack on bogeyman Nigel Farage which relies on semantics, outright dishonesty and the hope that it's generally bovine readership doesn't go beyond the headline.


In the article triumphantly titled "Why Nigel Farage is wrong about London being minority white" the BBC states that;

"In a widely seen video on Twitter former UKIP leader Nigel Farage claimed that new census figures showed that "London, Birmingham and Manchester are all now minority white cities".

He is referring to figures released on 29 November, based on the 2021 Census, which included ethnicity breakdowns for local authorities in England and Wales.

The census is a huge exercise carried out every 10 years by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) - people are compelled by law to fill in their census forms.

Mr Farage is wrong in most of this claim."

Of course, the mistake that Farage made is that he should have said "white British" instead of just "white". 

So on the flimsiest of pretexts, the BBC gleefully and cynically claims to have debunked Farage, even though once you get a few paragraphs down he is largely vindicated, but nobody is going to read that far, right?

"If you add up the 33 local authorities in Greater London for the five ONS categories of white people:

  • English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
  • Irish
  • Gypsy or Irish Traveller
  • Roma
  • Other

                                              Roma Gypsies: "White, I tell you"

It turns out that 53.8% of Londoners said they were white in 2021 - so a white majority."

So if you add up all the various foreign white people, some like the Roma questionably so, and add them to the population of White British people remaining, they make up 53 per cent of the population. So ner, take that Farage. You're a liar and there's nothing to see here!

But here's the reality, contained within the article, which proves Nigel's actual point.

The ONS then weighed in with some dishonesty of their own, saying that;

"There have also been misleading statistical claims that the latest census data show that white people are now a minority in London and Manchester.

This is confusing responses from people who have identified with the ‘white British’ ethnic group with responses which identify with ‘white’ ethnic group.

In London, 53.8% of usual residents identify their ethnic group within the high-level white category. In Manchester, 56.8% of usual residents identify their ethnic group within the high-level white category."

Oh well, that's ok then. If you add up all whites in London and Manchester it's still a majority, just. Move along, please.

I wonder how many straw men are currently residing in London? Not many now they've all been turned to ash.

It is, as Mr JD Hogg put it, desperate stuff, from a state broadcaster unashamedly committed to dishonesty.


There are a couple of things that have happened domestically this week that if we were feeling optimistic we could imagine advancing our agenda. There were the census figures and the Lady Hussey incident whereby a black woman in African costume representing a charidee that caters only for blacks got strategically offended after being asked where she is from in what was almost certainly a set-up. Both of which went down like a ton of bricks with the general public.

It could be argued this is a watershed moment for CivNats who seem now to be admitting, albeit tacitly, that race is a thing and it matters. It's no longer just about the culture.

Realistically though, we can expect the media to create some sort of diversionary "crisis" in the coming days and for everyone to forget all about... what was it again?
