Election Ramble


The UK election is done and dusted, and as predicted by everyone and his dog, Labour won in a landslide. Well, it's more like a landfill, since they got about a third of the vote. Lord only knows what horrors Starmer and his team have in store for us, but I fail to see how they could be any worse than the Tories during their Decade of the Five Leaders. It is somewhat disappointing that they live to fight another day with the failure of the DR's Zero Seats campaign. There's still time for them to off themselves if they choose to go left instead of right, which wouldn't surprise me, given how out of touch they are.


In France, Marine Le Pen was denied her victory by the abuse of democracy known as the Cordon Sanitaire, whereby all the "Liberal Democratic" parties openly conspired to rig the election. It was fun while the campaign lasted. If there are any positives to take, and I'm reaching hard here, the conspiracy against RN further shatters the illusion of democracy.


Events in Europe were quickly forgotten as the drama of American politics played out.

So, on June 27th, the presidential candidates Trump and Biden had their long-awaited debate. A debate that the left hoped would put to bed so-called right-wing conspiracy theories about Biden's senility. It could not have gone worse for Biden, and the following days and weeks were notable for the left's sudden realisation that what those on the right had been saying for four years was true. Biden was not fit for office.


Why they deluded themselves for so long is a mystery to me. In the end, it was inevitable that they would brutally collide with the wall of reality. Perhaps many on the left genuinely had not seen, due to inhabiting their bubble, Biden's many cerebral shortcomings. But in a televised debate watched by the whole country and the world, the reality could no longer be hidden. The cat was out of the bag. Pressure from his party and the mainstream media mounted.


Then on July 13th, Trump achieved mythical status in the popular imagination when he miraculously survived an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania. I won't go into all the details as many people have already done so, but the imagery captured on film was iconic. Serious questions were raised about whether the Secret Service wilfully allowed this to happen by not properly securing the area. In the subsequent inquiry SS chief, and diversity hire Kimberly Cheatle claimed that health and safety concerns over a sloped roof prevented the shooter's position from being secured. She later resigned over the failures.



And then, after all the relentless pressure, Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden resigned after saying that only God could make him do so.


I had thought that given the unpopularity of Cackling Kamala, the Dems might have resurrected Hillary Clinton, but I was wrong and the whole of the left, including of course the media, have thrown their weight behind Kamala.


I won't make predictions on the outcome, as previous attempts indicate that I'm not very good at it. However, it seems to me that a Trump victory is not a foregone conclusion. The same people who voted for Biden will likely vote for Kamala. Where there are floating voters, some may be swayed by the apparent heroism of Trump in the face of death, but equally, some who would have voted for Trump because of Biden's senility may decide to back Kamala now he's gone.


But in the end, does it really matter? The band plays the same tune no matter who the frontman is.
