The authorities are so far tight-lipped about the petrol bomb attack on a migrant processing centre earlier this week. Despite this, the underlying assumption in the media is that this was an act of right-wing terrorism, and you can expect the media is poised to jump up and down with confected outrage should the assumption be confirmed.
The so-called "Migrant Crisis" is now with record numbers crossing the Channel, thrusting itself into the political limelight, no longer able to be ignored, mainly as a result of the kvetching from refugee huggers that we're not doing enough to make the legions of cherubic, fighting-age, male, economic-rapists comfortable.
In steps Suella Braverman, the recently reappointed Home Secretary, who I can't help being a little impressed by. Please bear with me.
The more observant among you may have noticed that both the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary are not white and I'm sure I don't need to explain the symbolic importance of this to you guys and the symbolic importance to non-natives and anti-whites as and when it suits them. I don't need to spend much time highlighting the paradox of Sunak being just as British as us - nothing to see here, and the celebration of Sunak's appointment as PM by Globalists and Subcontinentals alike.
Now it's a sorry state of affairs when we have to pin our hopes, even temporarily on non-natives to save us, but at a time when nationalists all over the place, not me by the way, are hanging on every word of The Artist Formerly Known as Kanye West, I am hoping to get away with it.
I watched with interest the address made by the Home Secretary to Parliament in which she set out the scale of the problem we are faced with. I thought she was remarkably honest and came across as someone genuinely concerned with tackling the problem.
Indeed the media, who along with their Labour Party, Remainer and Globalist bedwetting associates are desperately trying to oust her on the flimsiest of pretexts, are complaining even more loudly after the speech than they were before, outraged by the language used which included the description of the crisis as "an invasion" and the undeniable claim that the British people have "had enough".
Furthermore, the whole time with steely determination under intense fire from the opposition as well as some on the Tory benches, she urged the house to abandon the delusion that these were genuine refugees in need of asylum when "the whole country knows this is untrue".
There was an interesting exchange, instigated by Diane Abbott, who with her double-digit IQ made a trap for herself by highlighting the fact that only 1.3 decisions a week.
Here lies what I see as a huge elephant in the room. The Home Office are reluctant to carry out the orders of the Home Secretary. There is no excuse for such low productivity. If they'd like to outsource the work to me I'm sure I could multiply that number many times over for a fraction of the cost. They are enemies of the people and need to be cleared out wholesale.
It could be, and I know this is wishful thinking, that Sunak and Braverman attempt to appease the public by tackling this problem, whilst traitorous white MPs do their damndest to oppose them. Of course, even if they do it doesn't solve the other problem of legal immigration which we must currently assume will rumble on unopposed for the foreseeable future.
I'm not suggesting for a second that any of this is an ideal situation, very far from it. But we are where we are, and I for one found her honesty and apparent determination refreshing. For better or worse I'm happy to chew on the crumb I've been thrown. I'd rather take a well-meaning Braverman than some traitorous, self-serving white person of which there is no shortage in Parliament.
No doubt I'll be rewarded with yet more broken promises.
Sad, isn't it?
I'm sorry I haven't got a nationalist hot-take for you. If you've got one I'm all ears.
The whole speech can be found here
And a transcript of the speech and the questions can be found here