Covid and the shaving of Occam


So here we are at the "I told you so" moment. Covid is over, and the apocalyptic predictions of the wild speculators have failed to materialise, the hysterical proponents of which have piped down, slunk off, vanished or climbed down.

The complete insanity that infected the right on this issue was just as intense as that which infected the left, though as you would expect, manifested itself in opposing ways. One by the need to show conformity with masks, banging of pots and pans and declarations of love for "our" NHS. The other with a naive willingness to believe absolutely anything from the most dubious of sources so long as it contradicted the official line. Mark Collett has called this the Cozy Covid Corner.

Now the Cozy Covid Corner is a place where anything goes. Where any conspiracy theory, any recently discovered plot by the elites, or any half-baked idea, is taken with the utmost seriousness and is discussed and poured over as if it has great merit. So you can talk about nanobots in the jabs, you can talk about lizard people running the earth, you can talk about 5G towers frying your brain and you can talk about supposed secret underground bases run by military factions supporting Donald Trump. Which are, of course, just days away from carrying out a military coup. And all of these things are taken seriously." Mark Collett

First, we had 5G causing Covid, which was always a smokescreen for legitimate concerns around privacy, then Covid not existing at all. But it got worse.

We had the fearmongering that we would all be subject to eternal house arrest. Then, work was to be abolished and wages replaced with Universal Basic Income. A notion which is as much wishful thinking as it is a conspiracy theory. After all, even in the Soviet Union, somebody had to produce something in a factory. You're not getting out of work that easily. And though I'm not an advocate, it seems clear that the idea of UBI has been quite misunderstood, perhaps wilfully so by people whose trade is selling bullshit on the internet.

Then there was the squawking about martial law that never happened, except of course, sort of, in Australia. But there's always an exception to the rule. 

There were chips in the vaccine put there by evil genius Bill Gates, presumably to keep tabs on all the people he was killing off with the same vaccine. A vaccine he had no technical part in producing. We even had to endure the videos in which people stuck metal objects to their arms to prove magnetism. Furthermore, the idea that Bill gates is a maniac hell-bent on some mass culling of the population rests on one or two quotes which have in all likelihood been taken out of context. Gates is a meddling, billionaire, perhaps megalomaniacal philanthropist with the woolly but common belief that the third world population will reduce if they receive education and healthcare, which includes in his view, vaccination and abortion. I don't think we should be against this. World population is too high, with the third world driving this growth. If the lefties aren't morally outraged by this method of reduction, we should let them get on with it. You never know, it might work.

That brings us to the ever-popular population reduction theory. An idea that persists despite the elite's obvious commitment to an unsustainable economic model dependent on perpetual growth, hence the need for us to live in pods and eat bugs. There have indeed been a worrying number of deaths and injuries caused by the vaccine. And yes, some kickyball players have died, we assume resulting from the jab. However, even if that is the cause, it still makes the vaccine a pretty shoddy "kill shot", not worthy of even a two-bob Dr Fu Manchu. And no, the Georgia Guidestones are not evidence of anything, other than a handful of religious nutjobs in the middle of nowhere having a chisel and too much time on their hands. 

We also saw misinformation from Anti-Vaxers mixed up with objections to the Covid Vaccine to howls of protest from the same people when they were labelled as Anti-Vaxers, and every Doctor with a doomsday prediction was taken seriously, their words taken as gospel.

And there was much more. Need I go on?

I had to leave Twitter because of all this madness. When someone I respected started dedicating their time to posting about chemtrails it was time to go. But, I'm not going to use the rest of this article to debone every quack theory that people became obsessed with to the exclusion of the main issue that is our demographic replacement. Talk about taking one's eye off the ball.

We often reject the idea that the elites are incompetent in favour of everything being meticulously planned. After all, these people aren't, despite notable exceptions, actually stupid. But this doesn't mean they can never make a mistake. So now I will indulge in a little theorising which you may find isn't wild enough for your tastes. However, I am not a fan of the most outrageous theory being the go-to explanation, and I think Occam could use a shave.

Pre-Covid, the frog was simmering happily. Why would they want to alert him to his fate by such an acceleration?

'They' have been talking for years, talking themselves into a frenzy about an imminent pandemic. Is it so hard to imagine that in a bid to look competent, caring and not impotent, they seized on the first sign of a Pandemic, in this case, a common cold, to swing into action? Even reluctant politicians such as Boris Johnson, who initially was in favour of letting the virus rip through the population to build up herd immunity were swept up in the overreaction when it became clear that the media, and by extension the public, would not forgive such inaction. The mood was such at the time that it was judged doing nothing would be political suicide. And of course 'big pharma' was only too happy to go along with all this.

Now you don't need to wonder why Israel is getting vaxed as hard as anyone. They believe in the pandemic and the vaccine. They believe they are protecting their citizens. Now you don't need to fit a square peg in the round hole with yet another theory.

Of course, there are issues and legitimate concerns around mistrust of the government, media and Globalisation, which is in large part what has caused this mass hysteria. Government overreach, world government, digitisation of information, mass surveillance and dare I say it the Technocrat question were all happening already and are beyond the scope of this article. 


We don't need to resort to hysterical bullshit, and we don't need our cause, that of racial survival and retention of our homeland being lumped in with all manner of quackery. It's not a good look and keeps us on the fringes, unable to fight.

This conspiracy stuff is always lurking around Nationalism. When I arrived around 2015 it was present but on a smaller scale. Back then it was the idea that Islamic terrorism was all faked by the establishment using crisis actors and mannequins, that the Muslims dindunuffin and were our allies against the Noseocracy. I rejected it then as now.

There are by my observations around one per cent of the British population still wearing masks. Governments are slowly climbing down from their overreaction. It's over, we're on to the next thing, the current thing, whatever that is at the time of this article or whenever you're reading it. 

The frenzy of wild speculation has died down. The more hysterical claims and predictions of that crazy time have proved to be untrue, and Covid-related restrictions are being lifted everywhere. You still have to go to work, if you had to before.

I joked earlier about Occam needing a shave. That isn't to say that I always favour a simple explanation, some things are complicated. What I favour is a sane explanation, and the fact is that too many people became insane for a period. I hope now that everyone is calming down, taking a breath and coming to their senses.

Because perhaps the end wasn't quite so nigh after all.
