Bearded, cuck-faced, state-sponsored, faux-subversive Frankie Boyle has claimed that cancel culture doesn’t exist.
Speaking to a packed tent of dribbling Normies at the Latitude Festival and feigning ignorance of the plight of people from all walks of life who have been forced from their jobs, compelled to grovel before the woke mob, and even sent to jail for causing offence or indulging in Wrongspeak he stated: "I'm not one of those comedians who's like, 'Ooh, I've been silenced', I hate those people. Anytime I hear someone saying that I always think, 'How come I can still hear you?'"
But just because the mob fails sometimes, doesn’t mean the intent to “cancel” is not there.
“Cancel Culture” is a vague term describing the left’s attempts to silence, smear or punish opponents of their insane ideas. Inadequate as it may be, it describes a real thing. The list of people to suffer leftist attempts to silence, vilify or remove them from their jobs is endless. Anyone or anything not adhering to the prevailing ideology are in their sights, the law offers no protection. It's not just people either. Statues and now we learn even Cowboys and Indians at the seaside pier have been sent to the memory hole by left-wing political activists.
Of course, Frankie knows this as laughably he went on to admit that he had stopped posting jokes on Twitter because of the potential repercussions. Not that his views put him in danger of being expunged any time soon.
The Glasgow-born comic was known for courting controversy early in his career, making oh-so-edgy jokes about the Queen, and (fair play) Katie Price's son Harvey.
However, revelling in his establishment credentials he revealed that this hadn't stopped him from being invited to take part in the Queen's Jubilee Parade earlier this year. Hardly surprising since in recent years he has made a living cucking for the establishment in BBC panel shows and his ominously titled Frankie Boyle’s New World Order (many a true word spoken in jest, eh Frankie?) where he as host sits slack-jawed and cuck-faced as he gives free rein to an assortment of leftists and anti-whites to spew their hateful bile under the guise of comedy.
Some people still like Frankie Boyle. They cling on to the notion that he is or was genuinely some kind of outspoken subversive. If he ever was he’s certainly sold out to the system now with a net worth of £3.3 million including his thirty pieces of silver.
Has Frankie ever been funny? Isn't causing offence for its own sake low-brow, vulgar and unfunny unless you’re morally reprehensible?
So to those labouring under the illusion of his ill-founded reputation, here’s your Frankie Boyle.
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