Back in November, I was chatting with a guy I met through the blog, a very interesting and knowledgeable fellow who has been involved with Nationalist politics for many years. A well-dressed and educated man who after gifting me a copy of Heritage and Destiny magazine, entertained me with stories of Griffin, Tyndall and other nationalists of, it must be said, yesteryear. Very quickly it became clear to me that this was a man who knew his stuff and whose opinions were valuable.
What he told me, amongst other things, was that it is easy to register a political party and that the repeated failure of Patriotic Alternative to do so was not a result of unfair treatment by the Electoral Commission, but the result of an unwillingness to get the job done and move beyond hiking and tea cakes. Furthermore, many within PA were becoming frustrated about this very thing.
I can't say I take a lot of notice of PA these days. The reasons for my disinterest are that they are not a political party even after all this time. They are also largely a northern movement with very little activity in the south. There is also at least one of their associates that I don't like at all. And finally, I am not interested in travelling hundreds of miles to go on a hike with a bunch of youngsters to unfurl a banner which won't be seen by the general public.
I like Mark and Laura and this is not intended to be an attack on them. However, their failure to register PA as a political party is now a cause for concern, and it is also the case that whatever we may think of Mark, he and consequently we, will forever be haunted by that picture of him with The Girl With The Nazi Tattoo.
So we come to the main point of this article: The Homeland Party.
I understand that this new party is a breakaway group of the aforementioned frustrated PA membership, who have indeed proved that it is possible to be registered as a legitimate political party by the Electoral Commission.
They are, or appear to be a proper nationalist party, and I urge you to take a look at their website and draw your own conclusions.
I like their logo. It's simple, it's green and in the shape of a castle. I like the name, it says what it needs to and doesn't feature the word "national". That never works.
Now, I don't know who these people are. Their website doesn't appear to say though maybe I haven't looked hard enough. I don't know who the leader is, or any of the founding members. Transparency on this is important, and I hope they will deal with this issue sooner rather than later. But they are gaining support rapidly, and I have some hope that the movement will swing behind them. After all, we have nothing else.
It's easy to be skeptical of course, and I won't blame any of you for that. You're all long in the tooth and tired. I don't blame you for thinking that actual politics of the nationalist variety is like pushing a ball of dung uphill.
It's not easy. I've heard more times than I can count that there is no political solution to the mess we are in, but I must push back against this idea. I think it may be the only solution. You may disagree but I hope you will acknowledge that it is at least an option that we should always be exploring.
We can't do much else. The British state at this point is, I believe, the most sophisticated of the Western "Democracies" when it comes to suppressing resistance. Media drowns us out (though that is becoming more difficult for them), protests are met with harsh policing and astroturfed counter-protests, nudge units guide the public response to atrocities committed against us and any organisation of more direct resistance results in the conspirators being swiftly locked up.
It has been some years now since we had a nationalist party. Sadly the BNP failed. But just because they failed does not mean that nobody can win. Nick Griffin will tell you there is no solution for this very reason: he failed. But I have to say that he was the only well-known face of the BNP and it wasn't a great face. The optics (if you'll pardon the pun) of a man with a glass eye who larps as a medieval knight and gets himself willingly ambushed on Question Time aren't great. It's simply not credible to be so astonishingly shit and then claim that nobody could do it better.
Even if power can't be obtained, perhaps influence can. UKIP never managed to get a single MP elected and yet it's hard to see how we would have got a referendum on EU membership without them.
If you believe in a political solution you need a party. If you believe in taking power by other means (which I obviously disavow) then you need a party ready to take the reigns or else bigger more organised boys will steal your victory. If you don't believe there is any solution then I can't help you.
I would urge you to keep hoping. Because if history teaches us anything it's that shit happens and things change. Perhaps not when or how we would like or exactly how we can predict but things do change even though it's hard to see when you're in the thick of it. How many people living just before some great event saw it coming? Not many I'd wager.
So check out The Homeland Party and let me know what you think.
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