The Rainbow Dictatorship Needs You


"Retired Lieutenant General Ben Hodges says he believes that, if nations don't take the threat of Russia 'seriously' and act in 'alliance', World War Three could develop in just 18 months" reported The Daily Mail last week.

Rishi Sunak has since distanced himself from the idea, but only because he isn't going to be PM for very long anyway, whilst Keir Starmer, the heir apparent, has remained tight-lipped, posing in his fatigues to encourage us. Boris Johnson is especially keen for us to sign up.

Hodges' comments come after a dodgy dossier of so-called secret documents "leaked" from the German Ministry of Defence outlined a hypothetical scaremongering guide on how Russia could escalate the conflict with an invasion of Western Europe.

These are the same Russians, we are told by the mainstream media and their bedwetting bots, that have been losing the war since the very start. Consistent messaging has never been a hallmark of the Empire of Lies.

And so it is that now the West is running out of Ukrainian men to feed into the meat grinder in its proxy war against Russia, our glorious leaders are eying up human resources closer to home. That means you.

With conflict raging in Eastern Europe and the Middle East that the British state is determined to be involved in, anyone signing up for what they've been duped into thinking is a noble fight against Ivan may very well find themselves deployed to some sandy hellhole to fight one of Israel's enemies, or perhaps to the Far East to ward off millions of Chinese or perhaps some malnourished North Koreans.

But who will willingly fight in this world war for Judeo-Globalism under the rainbow banner? In a country united by ethnicity, it was still possible. That country has ceased to exist. We are now nothing more than an economic zone divided irreconcilably racially and politically. Indeed, the regime is barely keeping a lid on the internal conflict. Long gone are the days when people believed in the benevolence and competence of the government.

The pro-EU, Ukraine flag-shagging bedwetters won't fight, not the Labourite ones anyway. They're busy telling the Gammons it's their patriotic duty to fight the Ruskies, or else they've conveniently decided now's the time for an internet detox. As for the Conservative Zelenskyites, perhaps now that the government is eyeing them up their bloodlust might subside. The Ukraine flag in bio/username people seem to have gone mysteriously AWOL from Twitter.

New Britons Jamal and Mohammed seem reluctant. Their "just as British as us" claims have been strategically retracted. They too, are telling us it's our job to back up talk of patriotism by sacrificing ourselves for the Rainbow Dictatorship in the latest far-flung front of the forever wars. They are neither smart nor honest enough to distinguish between loyalty to our people and homeland and loyalty to the state. It's probably not a good idea to train Jamal and Mohammed to kill more effectively than they do currently anyway.


It must be expected white people will rightly reject any attempt at conscription by a regime and ideology that openly hates them, having up until recently told them that the armed forces are too white and are in desperate need of more black and trans. 

What would we be fighting for exactly? A dystopian, Blairite vision of the future full of deracinated, mystery-meat metrosexuals? Maybe for the fabulous range of fried chicken shops, Muslim rape gangs or anti-white diversity quotas, unaffordable housing, endless immigration, black criminality, cultural negrification, pod living and bug eating. Should we fight so that Ukrainians can enjoy those things? Perhaps we should volunteer simply to help a British state which might find it convenient to outsource white genocide to Vladimir Putin.

It's certainly not our homeland we would be fighting for. We are told that we have no claim to this land, that there is no such thing as a native Briton. We're denied the right and the ability to fight against the actual invasion of our shores facilitated by our own government that wants us instead to show our patriotism by fighting a foreign war that they started for no good reason at all. Vladimir Putin is not threatening invasion. In fact it's hard to see what this or any other war far from home has to do with us.

They invoke patriotism to fight for other people's blood and soil, but not our own.

Luckily though, our views are completely incompatible with the modern military, and if the recruiting sergeant does come knocking I'm sure we'll all be very happy to explain in great detail why we are not suitable.
