I first moved to a large town on the south coast from London about 25 years ago, when I arrived it was completely white. Seriously, I did not see a non-white face for three whole weeks after I got here. I made a mental note of this fact as it was so shocking to me at the time. I liked it, but it was a shock, especially coming from a town in London that I had seen demographically transformed throughout my childhood.
This was at the end of the nineties. The Dark Lord Tony Blair had been in power for a couple of years, and the effects of his open-door immigration policy had yet to be felt. As the country basked in the remnants of Britpop and the rave scene, perhaps the last hurrah of white British cultural expression, it was difficult to grasp just how far and how fast things would change over the next twenty years.
I was of course, being an avid follower of Westminster politics, aware that the doors were wide open and already had a sense that would be confirmed later on by the Neathergate affair (which oddly seems to have been memory-holed by Google) that Blair's government were committing this act at least in part to defeat racism by "rubbing the rights nose in diversity".
I wasn't yet fully nationalist, and in my brain confused by a lifetime of propaganda, this still seemed like an awful plan that couldn't possibly work. The opposite was true to my mind. Bringing in millions of foreigners would only create division, being entirely counterproductive, but only time would tell.
For the time being, I was just happy to be away from London. Away from the air thick with fumes, away from the suffocating unfriendliness and away from the crime and racial strife of a city that was even then plagued by black crime which all too often targeted whites, especially by way of street robbery.
I was also happy to be in a place which was a hub for anglospheric diversity, with people from all over the country and colonial types from Australasia.
Fast forward to the present day and the exotic fruits of this more the merrier immigration policy are there for all to see and enjoy.
The roads are being torn up by Turkish kebab and barber shop owners in their flash cars, various foreigners weaving dangerously in and out of traffic delivering goyslop for people who can't cook/won't cook.
The pavements are littered with Arabs who seem to do nothing more than drink coffee outside Starcucks. Roma Gypsies scurry about like rats between shoplifting raids and begging sites. African boat people roam aimlessly with new clothes, phones and even bicycles paid for by you. Tyrone, Jamal and friends scour the streets looking for people to rob and surly Africans travel at all hours to and from lowly care sector jobs where they treat Granny with contempt for minimum wage.
And not in small numbers either. To my eye, it looks like a good fifty per cent of the town's population is now foreign. That's up from zero per cent, or near enough, twenty-five years ago. To add insult to injury the working-class white kids wilfully neglected by the education system have effectively gone native in this now foreign land and increasingly ape the new arrivals by speaking in Multicultural London English and wearing street fashion from JD Sports.
All this is swept under the carpet by the middle-class residents who seem to have very little contact with diversity other than buying their coffee from a Spaniard in Pret, or a croissant from the local patisserie imagining that Pablo and Pierre are just the same as Mohammed and Ngubu.
This is not unique the the People's Republic of Righton. We've all seen this play out in every town in the country and all over the continent. Despite all of this I do perceive that the wind is changing out there. Dissent bubbles under the surface. I speak to people at work all the time and I only have to push them gently in the right direction and their true feelings spill out. I just let them talk whilst concealing my true power level.
To bring this ramble to a close on a positive note, I reiterate my claim that the wind is changing. It is more difficult for us in Britain to resist this onslaught as I believe the British government is the most sophisticated in the world when it comes to management and control of its population through a variety of methods, and these elites, so enlightened they think that human tribalism can be legislated out of existence, become increasingly tyrannical to enforce their madness. It is an absolute state in more ways than one.
But Europe, with right-wing parties on the rise everywhere, is a tinderbox. The slightest spark could start a fire across Europe which our government would struggle to contain. In the mundane world of European politics, it feels like the sands are shifting with the rise of the AfD in Germany, and Wilders with his freedom party which if nothing else shows the public turning against the Globalist elite.
The halcyon days of 2016 are well behind us, and we've been through a rough few years, but I have some hope for this one, that in this circus, this maelstrom of madness, I feel more hopeful for the first time in a long time. We, that is, the English and the Europeans are still here, even though they attempt to bury us alive.
Happy New Year to all the readers. Thank you all that remain for your loyalty and support. We live, and march on.
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