News Roundup: Brand, Dangerous Breeds, African Invasion and #BanTheADL





It's been a busy week in the news, and too long since the last post. In my defence I've been very busy and tired, but it's Saturday and I have the day off so I thought I'd quickly bash one out (stop it) and try to cover all the main stories.

Acceptable in the 90's: The establishment turns on Russel Brand

You'd have to have had your head in a bucket not to have seen the frenzied coverage of allegations against Russell Brand this week. I don't think I've ever seen such an intense takedown of a man or trial by media like it in my life. I say trial, but the media seems to have convicted him already, though at the time of this article, no charges have been brought, and no questioning by the Police has taken place.

It all started when Channel 4, assisted by The Times, published a documentary in which four anonymous women, helped by sinister music, spooky use of light and actors, alleged that Mr. Brand in some way went too far during consensual sexual episodes many years ago. One allegation of rape was made.

The mainstream media quickly piled in and The Daily Mail even went so far as to call for his wife, who is currently pregnant with their third child, to withdraw support from him in an attempt to destroy his family.

Everyone and their uncle has voiced an opinion. I noticed even Ed Dutton went in with a psychological breakdown in which he was diagnosed as a narcissist and psychopath. Nick Griffin has condemned him as a degenerate leftist, a view I know some in our sphere agree with.

Brand's supporters on the whole have supported him and have along with Brand himself suggested that this attack is some sort of establishment conspiracy to silence his dissenting voice. 

Since everyone else has voiced an opinion, I must also, so here goes.

When Brand was doing his comedy I was never a fan. I was I think envious of the man's raw sexual power. Women everywhere were ready to drop their knickers for him in an instant. He was a degenerate leftist - a promiscuous degenerate leftist and heroin addict who happily promoted establishment narratives and made a TV programme smearing Mark Collett, amongst other things.

Over the last couple of years, he has cleaned himself up, has a wife and kids and challenges establishment narratives. He has, though perhaps not as far-right as we'd like him to be, become a defacto member of the dissident right. I don't think it's a coincidence that he's attacked now.

Brand's previous behaviour was more than an open secret, it was what he built his career on, and the media promoted him, even encouraged him. It was acceptable in the nineties. There are countless examples of his excesses on TV shows where everyone loved his antics. It was fine then but not now, apparently.

It's typical of the world of inversion we now live in. When he was a degenerate leftist the establishment loved him. Now he's a dissident with a traditional family he must be taken down. Like statues of men involved in slavery and holding "outdated" views two hundred years ago being taken down, now things are "progressing" so fast that the living who were lauded twenty years ago must now be similarly torn down.

And then, the government weighed in, officially calling for Rumble and other platforms to demonetize him, in a move that only adds fuel to the idea that there is an establishment conspiracy against him.


 As for the allegations themselves, I find them to be very weak. The documentary, in the style of a classic hit piece, drawing heavily on the use of actors, spooky music and film noir lighting was the result I'm led to believe of a four-year investigation by allegedly top journalists and lawyers which only managed to turn up, undoubtedly after cash payments, four women willing to say they regretted the experience of sleeping with Brand after having consented to do so. Four, out of perhaps thousands that he is reckoned to have slept with. The most serious allegation is one of rape, I couldn't possibly say if he's guilty or not and neither can anyone else but I doubt it would stand up in court otherwise he would have been charged already. 

The allegation that he slept with a sixteen-year-old seems to have upset many, and if true I must say I don't approve, but that's not illegal. If the consensus is that such a thing is immoral and shouldn't happen then the age of consent needs to be amended to reflect that. What we don't see is a similar outrage about homosexuals engaging in the buggering of underage boys, a subject that darling of the left Stephen Fry even wrote a book about. As such this represents a double standard and selective outrage.



As for the allegation that Brand shoved his penis in a girl's mouth and she had to punch him to get him to stop, this raises a number of questions in my mind, please excuse the crudeness of my inquiry.

Had he done this before and did she object? How does one voice an objection with a cock in one's mouth? And once sex has been engaged in and some sort of consent obtained, does one need to obtain further consent every time a hand, or indeed a penis is moved? If you slap a girl on the arse during the act without asking and she doesn't appreciate it, is that sexual assault?

In short, the whole thing fucking stinks.

Dangerous breeds

Indian middle manager Rishi Sunak has announced the banning of the Bully XL breed of dog after a spate of attacks including one on an eleven-year-old girl and one which resulted in the death of a man.

This resulted in howls of protest from owners of these literal monsters claiming that it was all down to the owners and that their dog wouldn't hurt a fly. Apparently, they just need to be trained well and receive lots of stimulation. Presumably government funding is needed for some sort of doggy ping-pong.

I'm not sure when we abandoned the idea that different varieties of dogs have different characteristics, but I suspect it was when they saw our guys drawing parallels between different varieties of dogs and humans.

We even had #dogracism trending on Twitter as the left desperately scrambled to impose their egalitarian nonsense on the animal world for the sake of consistency.



We even had a Bully XL meetup organised with people encouraged to bring their kids along, what could possibly go wrong?


Look at little Tyquavious Rex. He's a good boy who dindu nuffin. An aspiring guide dog.



Perhaps Tigers are just misunderstood too, maybe we should have those as pets.

In any case it's clear, as if we didn't know already that the left is happy to let men, women and children be savaged rather than admit that some breeds are more dangerous than others. 

And right on cue to illustrate the point a video surfaced from America in which a person of basketball was seen casually and gleefully murdering a white man on a bicycle for nothing more than some temporary amusement. Alas, there are many such cases.

Perhaps someone could crunch the numbers and find out which is more dangerous per capita, the XL Bully or the Negro.

Tens of thousands of African men invade Europe

Whilst the mainstream was busy focusing on other things the Italian island of Lampedusa was subjected to an uptick in the constant amphibious invasion of Europe. It was over six thousand in one day and has been near twenty thousand this week. All assisted by NGOs, charities and the EU, who sent Politburo member Ursula Von Der Leyen to reassure the island's inhabitants that these boat people would be distributed around Europe as soon as possible. 


At the same time, we hear that thousands of people per day simply walk across America's southern border unchecked. Any objection would be another shoah obviously.

What more is there to say at this point?


Thanks to one of our guys, Keith Woods, the hashtag #bantheADL was trending all over the world for days, after it was amplified by multiple interactions with Elon Musk. 

I won't bother to tell the whole story here as that has been done by Keith himself in a video which I will put here: 



So the hunter has become the hunted, and not before time. Exposed as the Antiwhite, hypocritical jewish supremacists they are.

Subsequently, Elon was summoned by Benjamin Netanyahu who told him to shut it down.


 Some people think Keith Woods is some sort of plant. All bollocks of course. It ws Morgoth who "discovered" him and gave hime his initial publicity and he's gone on from there. His work recently has been exemplary. 


Hopefully we can get Hope Not Hate exposed next.
