From Ukraine to the Pacific coast of America, an iron blanket has descended across the West. All the famous cities therein and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Rainbow Dictatorship, and all are subject in one form or another to a Globalist tyranny. This we have all seen, and many have identified the totalitarian nature of the regime we all live under but I'm not aware that it has been fleshed out by anyone in writing.
Whilst the masses due to their pavlovian conditioning are fond of a lazy comparison to Nazi Germany, this framing is not accurate. Globalism is undoubtedly descended from a leftist tradition, and it's hard to imagine the German dictator flooding the continent with people from the third-world or encouraging sexual deviancy, attacks on traditional family structure and Anti-Whitism.
Like any dictatorship based on ideology, we have founding myths. These are most importantly the Second World War and more specifically The Holocaust. Also included are people like Stephen Lawrence, and we in the UK are now subject to the beatification of American figures like Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and more recently George Floyd, showing the post-national nature of the regime. But like Mcdonald's, local menus offer a more regional flavour. In our case, the inception of "our" NHS serves as one of the most important foundational myths for Airstrip One. The Holocaust and black martyrs, which we are beseeched to "never forget", serve as a stick to beat anyone who might express dissatisfaction with the demographic replacement of native Britons and the NHS serves as a vehicle for the normalisation of non-traditional or "LGBT" lifestyles and veneration of the immigrant worker, whom they insist built the NHS and by extension Britain itself. This is not an extensive list. There are countless myths the regime can employ and new ones are created by the propaganda machine as required.
Drag queens and BAME sportspersons are held up as heroes, whilst all dissenters are condemned as villains and are commonly harassed by the police and where possible prosecuted and jailed under draconian "hate speech" laws. Amnesty International are not interested in these repressive laws or the plight of those political prisoners.
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.
- George Orwell
Slowly but surely heroes of the old order, everyone from Lord Nelson to Roald Dahl are demonised and "cancelled", statues removed, streets renamed and works of art and literature rewritten or consigned to the memory hole altogether. The Rainbow Dictatorship's Research, Information and Communications Unit (RICU) has even drawn up a list of authors and films which it considers dangerous to the official ideology, including Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell. History is rewritten to include those who were either never here or never played a significant role. Period dramas misrepresent the past wilfully and gleefully. The past is, it turns out, alterable.
The ideology of Globalism has become the religion of the dictatorship. The Church of England preaches Globalist ideals as the word of God, state TV (and every other channel) pumps out propaganda, both subtle and overt, in every programme, film and radio likewise. A never-ending parade of blacademic skintellectuals, transsexuals, and other "woke" activists are imposed daily on the viewers, dissenting voices are either marginalised or provided only to serve as bogeymen.
Rainbow flags can be seen everywhere along with giant murals to remind citizens that Big Greta is watching them. Everywhere we are subjected to seeing and hearing regime slogans such as "diversity is our strength", "diversity built Britain" and "Thank You NHS" amongst others. These can even be seen on the money in your pocket for as long as the state still allows you to possess such a thing. An unknown number of good obedient citizens act as informants reporting dissenters to the authorities just like in the GDR where The Stasi relied heavily on ordinary people to report activity that deviated from the official political ideology.
Sports are now nothing more than a vehicle for the promotion of Globalist ideology. None more so than in football, where the nation's players, increasingly unrepresentative of the native population, are engaged as much in an ideological battle as they are against the other team. Taking a knee, kicking whitey out of football, promoting the latest war or whatever the "current thing" may be. The 2012 Olympics was notorious for not only being used to venerate our new heroes but contained in its opening ceremony an elaborate homage to "our" NHS and the idea that Britain was built by anyone but the British in a spectacle that puts the oft-cited 1936 Olympics in the shade.
All of our institutions have been taken over by activists and enforcers loyal to the regime. Education, the civil service, local government, the Fire Brigade, Health Service, the Church and the Police Force are now overtly political, with Rainbow flags flying from every government building. The education system is used primarily for indoctrinating children into the ideology of the state - the hallmark of any good dictatorship. Those suspected of Wrongthink and fingered by a state informant may be referred to the government's "Prevent" programme and subjected to reeducation. Children and parents alike are put on report. The police prioritise harassing those accused of using prohibited words on the internet over solving the very real epidemic of crime the very same citizens are victims of.
Even private companies have been captured by adherents to the regime, enforcing diversity quotas, and using PR or propaganda departments to enforce the ideology of and swear fealty to the regime. All this is tolerated and even funded by the state, along with countless state-funded NGOs which push for more of the same.
The two-party system itself, far from offering a choice, offers only the illusion of choice. Both are merely different factions of the one party state. Whether one votes for red or blue, the direction of travel is always the same - more immigration, more Globalism, more slogans, more surveillance, more repression and more rainbows. There's always so much more to be done!
War is perpetual and ideological. Those lands outside the borders of the Globalist west must be brought into line. From Iraq to Russia, all must be
The population is subjected to mass surveillance, with London having the third highest number of CCTV cameras of any city in the world, lagging behind only a couple of cities in China.
Was Soviet Russia, Red China or Nasty Germany ever this bad?
Still, at least we're not speaking German eh?
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