My Youtube suggestions aren't what they used to be.
The decline is largely down to that Wojcicki woman who runs the show attempting to steer me away from anything spicy, and some of it is probably my fault for clicking on questionable content.
The biggest polluter of my suggestions is the reaction videos which now seem ubiquitous. Black people reacting to white people's music, Americans reacting to all things British and Millennials or Gen Zzz'ers reacting to music from better times before they were born. Some of it is entertaining if it's done in good faith, but some are nothing more than a cynical bandwagon-jumping money-grab.
Because The Toob has me down as a conspiracy theorist, they are desperate to divert my attention to the non-dangerous stuff like Graham Hancock who casts himself as a brave truth-teller and whistle-blower exposing an academic establishment desperate to cover up the truth that he is trying to expose. Complete bollocks, but people seem to lap it up.
I admit to having watched far too much of all these things and contributed to their popularity in doing so. I couldn't say why exactly. Perhaps it's just morbid curiosity, or maybe I'm some form of degenerate, eagerly hoovering up the nosebag of content Youtube feels I should be consuming. It does bother me that I should be so malleable, but at least I am aware I'm being manipulated.
I'm not going to take complete responsibility for my own actions though. I'd prefer to lay some of the blame at Tony's door, and I'm not the only one.
Cheers, Tone.
Sometimes Youtube will offer up something entirely random, and I can't imagine why it thinks I would be interested. Rock climbing videos have appeared when surely Google knows I'm scared of heights. Google knows everything, probably even things I don't know about myself, like my inside leg measurement. I even had videos about Lawn Bowls which slightly offended me. I'm not that old, am I? I will never be old enough for Bowls. Never.
The most recent random suggestion was the strangest and yet, of the most interest to us here, if only so we can laugh at it. This was Sista Shanice shilling her book in which she claims that King Offa was black. This claim is bold to say the least, surpassing the "We wuz Kangz" (in Africa) delusion and even Dr Miranda Kaufmann's misleading "Black Tudors" and going balls-out with a "we wuz Anglo Saxon Kangz" fantasy. I was, of course, compelled by other-worldly forces to click on it.
In the video, Sista Shanice says she went on a course that enabled her to bring us this "africated perspective". She doesn't say which reputable edumacational establishment filled her tiny mind with this obvious bullshit, but a couple of clicks later, I think I've got a fair idea.
One of her associates who features on her channel is "Dr" Z̶a̶i̶u̶s̶ Clyde Winters, an anti-white pseudo-academic who, amongst other stupidity, claims that Oliver Cromwell was black.
Which doctor?
You'll be shocked to discover that Winters isn't a real Doctor. He hasn't even got a worthless qualification in Black Studies from a third-rate university. No, his "qualifications" come from an unrecognised institution that he created himself in which he occupies all positions.
Clearly, the man is a fraud, and this probably means he knows his claims are untrue. Imagine being so ashamed of your own identity and history that you would try to steal someone else's.
Why Youtube thought I would be interested in that is a mystery, but hopefully, you laughed at it as did I.
Whatever next, eh?
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