Cassandra's Regret: We're Doomed Because the Normie Can't be Swayed.


It's funny how subjects present themselves to you sometimes. I was gifted this latest idea by the gods of the internet who saw fit to hand me an entire train of thought which I'll now take you through.

I was listening to Woes' latest "Gram of Woes" episode. By latest I mean not his latest stream but his latest upload, which dates back to August. I do like Woes but he needs to get on top of his uploading game which is truly woeful.

Anyway, he was discussing a documentary about the Alt-Right in which he was featured. His main gripe was that he had been misrepresented but he also mentioned that the person responsible had played down, denied or was completely, perhaps wilfully ignorant of the issues that the Alt-Right was or is concerned with, the prime example being the epidemic of sex crimes committed by Muslim immigrants and "refugees" of foreign extraction.

The next intervention in my train of thought was this exchange that I happened across. 

Specifically the idea that some people may be swayed or jolted out of their slumber by an informative comment.

Then coincidentally someone on the blog posted the documentary in question which is available on Youtube. I couldn't bring myself to watch the video. I have no interest in being subjected to an hour of cringe-watching a five-year out-of-date hit piece on the Alt-Right. I did however take a look at the comments.

There was one exchange which caught my eye. One plucky fellow defended Mr Woes' views on the "Migrant Crisis" and the film-maker replied with this:

"The problem for me is that I dispute the factual basis of your claims that, e.g. "untold ch*ld r*pes" were perpetrated by Syrian refugees. A handful of cherry-picked stories about migrant r*pists from a source like Breitbart could never convince me that Syrian refugees fleeing civil war were, en masse, r*pists. What you call "the bigger picture" I call a fantasy disconnected to reality. I live in Germany, which took in the most Syrian refugees of all, and life goes on here quite as it always did."

Now, this is of course head-in-the-sand stuff held up by pedantic nitpicking over the details. A stunning display of wilful ignorance regarding well-reported crimes. So would it be possible to change this man's view or is he terminally entrenched, committed to never seeing the truth?

I hope you're still following my little journey. 

I woke up the next day and as I always do I turned on the computer. Firefox which is my browser of choice because I can't be bothered to change things up serves a daily selection of regime-approved articles that I at least look over and occasionally hate-read.

One article that grabbed my attention was titled "Opening the Stasi files: Would you read the secrets your government kept on you?"

This was interesting because I've had a vague idea for a post about the similarities between the Globalist totalitarianism we currently live under and the DDR which I may get around to writing one day. But it was also interesting because it broaches the subject of wilful ignorance.

I'll skip over the next couple of details and get to the point. A couple of clicks later I was reading a 2017 study titled "Cassandra’s Regret: The Psychology of Not Wanting to Know".

The study is certainly worth a read and while it does not cover the subject of wilful ignorance in a socio-political context, instead attempting to explain the prevalence of the subject in regards to general bad news or predictions of such, I think we can extrapolate.

And so it turns out that perhaps as many as ninety per cent of people have no interest in the truth. They value wilful, blissful ignorance over an uncomfortable truth and perhaps only one per cent of people consistently want to know the truth, warts and all.

I don't like to offer the doomer black pill, and this is just one study. Maybe we should engage in wilful ignorance of it. 

It appears that the Tory normies on The Spectator can't be swayed.

On the upside, you dear reader are a rare breed. A renegade outlier on a fearless hunt for the truth. So give yourself a pat on the back before you cry into your beer.
